The Trans Africa-UK to Cape Town to Cairo


1 Big Continent,
1 Backpack 20 kg’s,
1 Day Pack 10 kg’s,
1 Camera Bag 10 kg’s
2 Passports,
6 Plus Vaccinations,
9 Plus Months
30,000 Plus Kilometers,
275 Plus Days,
20 Plus Currencies,
25 Plus Undiscovered Countries and Terrain,
25 Plus Visas,
20 Plus Regions with Varying Temperatures,
100’s of risks in every country,
100% Fun and life experience!!!!!!

APPROXIMATE ROUTE (click to expand)

Already being on the road for 5 months including Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Singapore, Egypt, Greece, Germany, Austria, Tunisia, Albania, USA (Texas, Oregon, and Tennessee), as well as 58 plane flights in an 11 month period, I AM READY TO GET THIS TRIP STARTED!!!

Tom Hanks
What I will probably look like after 9 months?
Hair like this?
Hair like this?








Beard Like This?









For a tad bit over three years now, I have been planning and looking forward for this trip. How many people can see they went across the whole of Africa while camping and cooking off the beaten trek? Along with this I will get to meet people that have no contact with the outside world, experience dangers from animals and people alike, do various excursions that you only see in movies, and see animals that are either endangered or you would see in Zoos!!!!  INCLUDING THE MOUNTAIN GORILLAS!!!!
My home for the next 9 months….

What will a day be like? I can imagine, getting up very early, packing up our stuff, driving to different places in heat or cold, and cooking all the time. Will it be dangerous? Yes of course, but look at your own various countries as there are dangers lurking around every corner.
What is the approximate route I will take? SEE BELOW, but it could deviate at anytime based on disease outbreaks, civil war, sickness, extremist groups etc…..

Trans Africa 2
Please Click to Expand








Will it be difficult? Hell yea!!!! Digging the truck out of the sand, being on places with no paved roads, camping for 9 months without some of the most basic amenities, and living off basic things!!!!. But this is how people live life in most of the world. This is something I think everyone should experience!!! This in my opinion is one of the last of the Outback’s in the world. Everything is very basic including restrooms and campsites (when we are not bush camping).

I am excited and nervous and ready to get this started!!!!!

Cairo see you sometime in August, then back to work!!!!

4 responses to “The Trans Africa-UK to Cape Town to Cairo”

  1. Aww yay I’m so proud of you brother! You deserve to live out all your dreams! Love you 🙂

  2. Have a good, safe trip, Danny. I once saw a house outside Freetown that was shingled in shinny 5 gal lard can lids. It looked like giant fish scales. And the beach cliffs south of Luanda were among the most beautiful I have ever seen – especially at sunset. Be sure to try the prawns peri-peri in Mozambique


  3. Hi Danny!

    Would you believe we’re at Grandma’s apt. right now. Doug left yesterday, while this is our last full day. We took Mom to the 5th St. Mkt. yesterday and to Mo’s in Newport the day before. Wednesday, for sure, we breakfasted at the Glenwood. It was a zoo because of Vet’s Day and no school. But delicious food.

    Hope you’ll be eating interesting food and meeting lots of really neat people. We’ll be thinking of you over these next 9 months!

