
Everyone my age, has heard at one time or another a lot about Kuwait as they have always been an ally of the United States and they were being invaded by Iraq in the early 90’s.

This country is dry, which means there is no alcohol allowed at all (there is people that make their own).  The country is very bland and not so much to do.  Expats that live here usually are trying to save money by working at a school or for an oil company.  It reminds me in a way of a Dubai on a smaller scale as they have extravagant shopping malls.

If you want to find fun things to do, you can get out of the city for excursions an that is about all the excitement you will find besides trying to find some good food to eat.

The reason why I went here is to visit some friends I knew in Venezuela and to hang out with them.  Would I ever go back here?  Hell No